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Christmas Dream full colorIntelligent LED light string:Christmas Light & Festival Light &Icicle Light

Sources : Network Published:2015-12-17 05:40 | 2069 browse

Christmas Dream full colorIntelligent LED light string Specification

(Christmas Light & Festival Light & Icicle Light)

Application Range:

Verysuitable for Christmas tree, road, hotel lobby, bar, restaurant, and shop’sdecorating.


Products include Christmas Light String,outdoor FestivalDecorationLightString, outdoorIcicle light String, and so on.


1.    Our colorful light stringhas rich colors and mixing changed, which can give out Pink, Peach,orange, olive green, purple color, and so on. It surelybrings elegant, luxury and romantic feeling to you.

2.    Perfectfor decorating the party, home, restaurants,hotel, club, and bar.

3.    Special to make the happy effect on the Christmas day, Wedding,Birthday Party and New Year Celebration.

4.    Our products have fine quality and long operating life, easyto install and use, also can offer indoor or outdoorproducts as clients’ request.

5.    Light string has auto intellect demo function to show 8 kindsdifferentshining mode as bellow:

1)    Rainbow7 color with slow light and shade.

2)    Multi-colorblink.

3)    Sparkingwith Rainbow 7 colors.

4)    Multi-colormixing changed by slow twinkling.

5)   Multi-color chaseflash.

6)    Colorfulflash.

7)    Multi-colorslow glow.

8)    Red, Green, Blue change by slow twinkling.


Indoor ChristmasLight String (with outside plastic crystal case)

1.1*50pcs or 1*100pcs colorfullight string,10cmbetween LED light, total 5M, clear or white cable is available.

2.1*50pcs or 1*100pcs light string witha AC/DC adapter (Inputvoltage range AC100~240V), after each light string work for one night (around12 hours), the twinkling speed deviation could under 3 secondsbetween each group light string, which to ensure the twinkling consistency whenmany light strings togethertowork.

Outdoor FestivalDecorationLight String

1.1*100pcscolorful light string, 15cmbetween LED light, total 15M, clearwhite or black cable is available.

2.1*100~300pcs lightwith a power (Input voltage range AC 100~120V or AC 210~230V),each group of light string can be connect with waterproof joint to extent the length(conformto IP43 rain prevent level), after each group light string work for one night (around12 hours), the twinkling speed deviation could under 3 secondsbetween each group light string, which to ensure the twinkling consistency whenmany light strings togetherto work.

Outdoor IcicleLight String

1.1*100pcs color light, Led light asconnect each single string to one hung light string, interval 15cm,it’sabout 1.5m of one whole icicle light, clearwhite orblack cable is available.

2. 1*100~300pcs lightwith a power (Input voltage range AC 100~120V or AC 210~230V),each group of light string can be connect with waterproof joint to extent thelength(conform to IP43 rain prevent level), after each grouplight string work for one night (around 12 hours), the twinkling speeddeviation could under 3seconds between each group light string,which to ensure the twinkling consistency when many light strings togetherto work.


1.    1 * 5M50LED Colorful ChristmasLight Stringwith clear cable.

2.    1 * 10M 100 LED Colorful Christmas Light Stringwith clear cable. .

3.    1 * 15M 100 LED Colorful Outdoor Festival Light String with clear cable.

4.    1 * 30M 200 LEDColorful Outdoor Festival Light String with clear cable.

5.    1 * 45M 300 LEDColorful Outdoor Festival Light String with clear cable.

6.    1 * 1.5M 100 LED Colorful Outdoor Icicle Light String with clear cable.

7.    1 * 3M 200 LEDColorful Outdoor Icicle Light String with clear cable.

8.   1 * 4.5M 300 LED Colorful OutdoorIcicle Light Stringwith clear cable.

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