Σ-Δ模数转换器ADC 筛选
收起筛选分类目录: 不限
产品关键字: 不限
工作温度范围: 不限
兼容替换型号: 不限
典型应用: 不限
广泛应用于工业测温和精密仪器测量等领域,可使用在热电偶、RTD测量、衡器应力检测、气体分析和血液分析、工业过程控制(电缸、注塑机、激光发生器等温控)和仪器仪表测温、液相和气相色谱仪、智能发射机、6位DVM(数字电压表)等低速场景Widely used in industrial temperature measurement and precision instrument measurement fields, it can be used in low-speed scenarios such as thermocouple, RTD measurement, stress detection of weighing instruments, gas analysis and blood analysis, industrial process control (temperature control of electric cylinders, injection molding machines, laser generators, etc.) and instrument temperature measurement, liquid and gas chromatography, intelligent transmitter, 6-digit DVM (digital voltmeter), etc